Everyday Adventures
Everyday Adventures is incorporating travel and adventure into the everyday. In other words, it is about living as an everyday adventurer, or as an explorer to your everyday, whatever that looks like for you.
Traveling can bring out the very best of us. Am I right?
Since we spend most of our time not traveling, it can become hard for all of us busybodies. We crave our travels. We crave who we are when we travel. For instance, we miss the thrills, adventures…and even the food.
Everyday Adventures is about living as our traveling self, no matter where we are. It is about taking on nearby travels and stay-at-home travels. It is about making every day one where adventures await.
Here are some of my latest posts about the topic.
A Note on Solo Dates
Last week I had the best date ever… with myself. I went into the solo date thinking I’d learn something to share with my audience for an everyday travel idea. Why not, right? Instead, I found my travel self—the me when…
Wee Box Review | September 2020
About The Wee Box The Wee Box is includes 5 items worth about 50 Euros exclusive to Scotland. Additionally, the Wee Box company gives back to charities and supports Scotland brands. Each month, Wee Box subscribers receive a themed box full…
Journal Prompts for your Travel Journal
Journal prompts are important for travel journals because they guide what you say about your travels. And likewise, travel journals are important because they are catalogues of your memories. Journals hold your take on things…your notes and feelings, your ideas and…
My Favorite Beverages from Abroad
My favorite beverages come from all over the world. Being a traveler, I have discovered some truly wonderful and amazing beverages from abroad. I’ve discovered them in various places like local grocers, tea rooms and street side cafes in Italy… And…
Famous Food Places that Deliver
Places that deliver have changed the foodie game. If I’m honest, the hardest thing about quarantine is not having access to all my favorite foods. My favorite things seem to come from all over the world. That being said, finding local…
Movies to Inspire you to Travel
Whether we’re doing work from home or going out and about for work, I think most of us can agree that we’re getting more time at home than we’re used to with things being closed. But this doesn’t have to be…