Intentional Traveling: Why Your First Choice Matters
February 5, 2020
in England, Noted., Travel, Well-Being
Let’s face it. The saying “dream big” has certainly lost meaning. There’s nothing wrong with dreaming big but the meaning of the phrase is lost. And while I do think dreaming is important, I think being intentional is more important. And it is...
Overcoming Post-Vacation Blues
January 12, 2020
in England, Travel, Well-Being
Post-vacation blues are real. You know the feeling. It’s the last day of vacation and you’re suddenly filled with so much dread. Or maybe you’ve been feeling those feelings of anxiety and fear and grief leading up to your last day. I absolutely...
5 Must-Visit Cities in Southern Italy
September 10, 2019
in Italy
Southern Italy is beautiful with so many cities you can visit. Here are 5 of my favorite cities. Small fact: all of these cities are listed in Patricia Schultz’s book, 1,000 Places to See Before You Die. DISCLAIMER: These are my thoughts and...
A 4 Day Itinerary in Israel
August 22, 2019
in Israel
Hi, friend! If you’re headed to Israel or merely researching the places you could go, then searching for already-tried itineraries might be on your to-do list. Trust me, I did the same. It always feel easier to choose locations to visit when they’re...
Leave the Past Behind
August 16, 2019
in Well-Being
Dear friend, One of the hardest things I had to do was let go of something I didn’t know I was holding onto. It’s funny what things we hold onto, or the thoughts we remember. How sweet conversation blossoms into a carnival of...
Finding Contentment
August 13, 2019
in Well-Being
Contentment (noun): finding enough good regardless of one’s circumstances. Dear friend, Today, I tasted Israel. And not in a perfect re-creation of the location but in the bite of some kofta, baklava, and in a warm first sip of the Garden’s Mediterranean coffee....
Birthday Blues: 26.
May 18, 2019
in Noted., Well-Being
So let’s talk…because the birthday blues are real. (Even Medical News Today has 13 Ways to Beat Birthday Depression!) My 26th birthday did not start as planned. Perhaps not knowing what to expect allowed me to cave into feelings. I wish I could...